Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thermostat Manufacturers Why Do The Burners On My Furnace Turn Then Right Back Off?

Why do the burners on my furnace turn then right back off? - thermostat manufacturers

This is a company of 10 years. It has three burners and automatic ignition. Just started doing it three days ago. Already ruled out the thermostat with the manufacturer.


Shogunn4... said...

NO is a thermocouple. You have a design problem of influenza. This is a security measure that the burner is turned off. The pressure switch is turned to close the burner. Check gas hose from the flu and make sure it is unplugged. Also make sure that you have to pass an oil field.

oreos40 said...

To test the flame. Some models use the lighter flame to test whether this case should be replaced with the monolithic funace. Some models use a bar of flame control. In both cases, the detection device in contact with the flame. To stem the sensor can be cleaned with steel wool or sandpaper to remove combustion deposits. It is also possible that the drive needs cleaning. Flame from the surface of the burner is removed and the current can be the flame pasthrough starting point to test is no longer the flame to the controller.

William B said...

Thermocouple is replaced,

akg!rlsk... said...

Bleeding lines.

akg!rlsk... said...

Bleeding lines.

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