Saturday, January 23, 2010

How To Make A Simply Slide Projector Does Any Sort Of Standardization Exist For Slide Projector Lenses?

Does any sort of standardization exist for slide projector lenses? - how to make a simply slide projector

For a moment I want to buy a slide projector. Not a single modern CAROSELLA you use a frame or slide, as it leaves no room for all media, but the old-fashioned kind that you have to manually insert for each slide. However, it would have the luck, I found one that was killed today. Unfortunately, but not the front lens. These Boots 150 compact projector. I do not know much about projectors, and I'm not sure that is the target, a common standard and it would be easy to find a replacement, or if the target is likely that with this model, and therefore virtually irreplaceable. Could someone please clarify them? At first glance, it seems that the goal of the stick in a thin wire, but a closer examination of the wire is too thin to hold even one goal, and the spring clip shows that the current target simply clips in the them under common?

Moreover, if the target is interchangeable and find a new on eBay, there is nothingI need to know? To give a kind of projection lenses, more than others? Found I tested the projector by holding a magnifying glass in front of the projected light, and that if I sharper the image, the projection was much smaller than the projectors I have could be used earlier.

Again, thank you for any help you can give me, and an apology for the long question.

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