Monday, January 4, 2010

Spanish Wedding Program Will I Be Able To Get Into Good Schools With These Extracurriculars?

Will I be able to get into good schools with these extracurriculars? - spanish wedding program

I rated very high marks SA and excellent grades (4.0 GPA, 4.6) weighted, but I know that every request to the best schools, good statistics are needed to help highlight school. Do you think mine are good? Because I, but I have nothing for more than 2 or 3 years, and there is nothing that really makes me stand out. (I saw some people on Yahoo Answers with activities such as peacekeeping missions and all that you have mad.) And a lot of people told me that some of the good form of attention, but mine are in almost every sense. (I think, in the main CS or company) Here are my activities:

Regular school in 2 years
-diversity/tolerance club in my school, 3 years, Secretary and Vice-President
Volunteers in the library (which helped organize a program) of the summer reading for kids
Volunteer at the local businesses, the Christmas tree every winter --
Club photographer for the Surf Club 1 years
(and took a photography class in a school community)
MCA-4 years
Spanish Honor Society for 2 years (Spanish teacher every Wednesday)
Practice1 Summer
"I do not know if that counts for anything other than a website to show and sell the photos

Things that are not yet, but the idea next year:
Examination of school equipment, speech and debate, study abroad during the Summer Leadership Conference

Some schools will simply go to UCLA, Berkeley, Stanford and the Ivy Leagues to. I think it is believe to UCLA, Berkeley and good, but maybe you have, I have the opportunity to Stanford or UPENN or what? What can I do to out there?


Start The Revolution said...


omgtiffa... said...

This will look really good on your college resume. I do not know whether you or not, but the honor of taking AP courses, or are really good. Most colleges to see if the path does not challenge, not only when all A.

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